Let’s Get Started
Check my availability and schedule your booking.
The Booking Process
Make an Online Booking
Check with all parties for a suitable date and make an online booking . Bookings will be confirmed once your client has signed my Information and Agreement to Mediation Form.
Client to sign Agreement to Mediation
Your booking will be tentatively held for 48 hours and confirmed once your client signs the Information and Agreement to Mediation Form. Simply provide the page link to your client for Through this page they will be directed to the form to be signed on their phone, laptop other suitable device.
Receive Confirmation Documents
You will receive confirmation of your mediation booking which includes my invoice, cost disclosure and venue and parking information.
Book a mediation
If you have agreed the mediation time and date with the other party or practitioner, go ahead and book online and complete the form.
Please note that my availability is live and your booking is only confirmed when you, or Noelene from French Quarter Chambers, completes the booking online.
Cost: $2000 + GST per party excluding venue hire.
Invitation to mediation
If you are having difficulties in getting another party to attend mediation, let me assist with the invitation process.
Please complete this form and I will forward you an invoice. Once I have received the remittance I will start the invitation process.
Cost: $400 + GST (inclusive of s 60I Certificate if eligible).
“Rachael clearly knows what she is doing and has a very positive and realistic attitude towards the process. She is very professional yet compassionate.”
- Mediation client 2021